27 June 2011

结束了 :D

这段关系 , 纠缠了接近七个月了 , 我开始觉得 ,
烦了 , 闷了 , 够了 . 应该结束了 .

我没有可能完全接受你所有的不好 ,
或许我应该说 , 我对你的爱没那么深

你不能怪我 , 当我最爱最爱你的那个时候 , 是你自己选择伤害我 , 让我痛不欲生 .
令我的保护墙越来越强 . 也因为真的很怕会再被伤害 ,
所以要离开了 .

有你的日子 , 即开心又辛苦 .
我要的不是这些 , 你要的不止这些 .

好了 , 不说太多了 , 现在想睡场大觉 !
明天起身后 , 自由是你的 , 快乐还我了 :D

The last sentence for you :
baby goodnight . take care youself :)

26 June 2011


Hey peeps , I'm really lazy to update my blog recently . The japan trip still have few pictures not upload yet , the another trip - thailand bangkok trip , is a long post , not feel like want to post out but my friends ask me to post cause they want to have a look . Okay , depends on mood !
This is not a new picture . I think it's may or june picture . HAHAHA . Not beauty but I love my hair :P * And I look slim here right ?
19 . 06 . 2011 @ Sunday
Starwalk day . Followers , do you all remember that I swear I will participate starwalk last year ? Yea , I really did !

You give RM10 then you can get these . Quite deserve !
Actually I were enjoyable when the start of walking . But , suddenly , I feel behind of my foot paining , I turn back and see it , I saw my shoes got blooding . Had a shock ! Then kaiqin helped me to get plaster from the st.john members . They're not professional , they bought those unsticky plasters , gosh them ! When walked until half of distance , I discoverd another foot get hurt , AGAIN , BLEEDING . My mind said : HOW COME I AM SO BAD LUCK TODAY !? * I get hurt is because I wore new shoes * When we asked the st.john members again , they said : NO MORE DY , SORRY ! That moment , I really got the feel like show them my middle finger -.- But I didn't do that . I endured to the end ! Claps hand for me :(
After starwalk , have a date with kaiqin . We hanged jj that day . Many peoples wearing starwalk tee to walk around . Kaiqin & me are the except one ! :P * And we wore slipper to jj , is memorable to us ! HAHAHA

Recommend this ! Waterproof plaster .
You will not feel pain at all when you're having a bath ;)


Bite from mosquitoes at stadium !
Have a conclusion : 2010 , had a bad luck that I can't go starwalk .2011 , had a bad luck again because I get hurt . I think starwalk dislike me -.- Confusing should I go next year ? :S * AND YEA , I have a G size of my starwalk bp tee . G standed for GIANT ! It's suit to be a pyjamas :D
Fathers Day
We went to oh sushi celebrated :)
Here's few of food & I feel it's nice to eat . Have a try !

End the post now , and go sleep ! NIGHTS FOLLWERS :D

22 June 2011

I choose love this time

I knew that I've long time didn't update my blog with full of pictures , LOL . Do not enjoy these few days because of the worst friendship ! You doubt of us because of a boy . You said we treat you as a maid , okay fine , maybe sometime we really treat you with a bad attitude . But I bet that we had treat you like our best friend before . We told you who we love , told you who chasing us , told your many secrets that we won't simply tell others one , share with you our experience . Hello , will you treat a maid like this ? Will you comfort her when you're upset ? If you'll , then I just keep my mouth shut . Really cannot acceptable you because of a boy , doubt us ! If you understand me , I am sure you'll know I am the one who dislike doubt from friends . You're the one who always tell us the things about him . We didn't force you to tell , and not interest of him also . We advice you to leave him doesn't mean we'll inbox him to scold him . We got educate , won't simply inbox someone for scolding him . Originally , I did not feel like want to post out this post . But after I saw what you've post on your blog , I really disappointed because you thought our friendship is so worthless .

* For me , friendship is the big problem recently .
But luckily , I have him , the one who hurt me repeatedly . I leave him many times because I dislike the way he treat others , especially girls . I jealous . But now , I really don't care how he treat others . He has his own life , I've mine also . We still teenagers , need a lots of friends , love free life . But we love each others :) P/S : We're not couple . Don't couple is because timing . Now is not the best timing to let both of us together . We have to face our PMR , maybe we'll discuss this after PMR . And yea , I love him ! :D

19 June 2011

Happy papa's day :)

太久没有写 blog , 可说是蛋都某只 ,
所以今天上来生生蛋 :P

今天是爸爸节 ,
前一晚我们一家人去 oh sushi 庆祝 :)

付钱的不是爸爸 , 不是妈妈 , 当然也不是我 ,
是伟大的哥哥 !

吃掉了他的 RM 480 ++
Woots , 谢谢哥哥请客 :P

* 这天的行程会迟点在 post 出来 , 因为我实在太懒了 :S

我的爸爸 , 他是一个好爸爸 :)

我从小就很崇拜他 ,
他的毅力 , 比普通人强很多 , 不会轻易放弃

虽然有时他会有些大男人 ,
可是只要我说一声 : 不要 . 他还真的会听我的 .
当然 , 我的出发点是为了他好

他也是我的专属 superman , 可恶的怪兽通常都是 mummy 当任 :P
他总保护着我 , 宠我 , 不让我被别人欺负

嗯 , 还有 !

有时问他关于数学的问题 ,
即使有时他忘了些 formula , 他会特地去网上帮我 check ,
一定会把答案找出来再教我 :D

有时候 , 考试拿到好成绩或者被老师称赞 ,
回家告诉爸爸时 , 他总为我而荣 :)

还记得 , 在我中一时 , 叛逆期 ,
说话不到两句就顶他的嘴 , 觉得我不再需要他了

突然有一天 , 爸爸为了我一个问题 ,
让我知道 , 原来我对他是那么的重要
* 问题不方便透露

明明就很年轻的爸爸 , 但是为了这个家 ,
开始长鱼尾纹 , 长白发 , 眼袋也挤出来了 :/

为你而荣的事情不是你赚了多少钱 , 开了多少间公司 ,

因为你 , 我过着无无忧无虑的生活 :D

突然好想拥抱爸爸 , 但我害羞 :$
但我说得出的只是口中的 " 我爱你 "

Papa , love you forever .
You're the best papa I ever had .

Happy father's day ,
hope you happy everyday and not only today :)

14 June 2011

I'm backed ;)

Hey guyss ! I'm backed from bangkok lastnight , 3:10 a.m. So the next day means today , I didn't back to school :P Okay , stop at here , I am freaking sleepy now ! Have a nap ;)

9 June 2011

Simple post

Hey my dear followers , I'm at penang now .
Is waiting the boarding time .

The boarding time to bangkok is 7:20 a.m. ,
and now the time is 6:42 a.m.

Okay , is high class here , but got abit of old style ,
I prefer KLIA :S

Li ann & Kar wai ,
do not sad , here is the support and hug !


Allah , quite sleepy now ,
I hope my bed is beside me :(

P/S : I think I will not post out my bangkok trip if it doesn't interesting .
hey yea buddies , take care !
I am going to enjoy my breakfast now :P

8 June 2011

Bye malaysia ;)

各位 ,
我要跟你们说再见啦 ! :P

我要去吃风 ,
pangkok 的风

多两个小时我就要去机场了 ,
所以我亲爱的 blog 要暂时封尘了

以上是我去 pangkok 的 look ,
只会在这里公开 :)

好的 ,
我还要继续收拾我的行李了 !

悄悄告诉你们 :
我要在这两个小时里面收完 5 天里面要穿的衣服 , 需要品 , 等等 !

很忙的说 ,
最后一句很 lam 的告诉你们 : miss you guyss * big hugsss :P

7 June 2011

粽子节快乐 :)

大家好 , 粽子节快乐 :D

你们都吃粽子了吗 ?
我吃了很多 , 一定肥了很多 :(

所以 , 节食加油 !

27 . 05 . 2011 @ Friday

那天是我的 seatmate 生日 :)

一大早 , 到了学校 , 看到她 ,
我立刻冲去她前面说 : , 生日快乐 !

她呆了几秒 ,
然后说 : 这个惊喜还是惊吓 ?


我们都为了她带电话上学 ,
so , it's picture time now ! :P

自拍 :P

I am so ... ,
okay , I speechless :/

Birthday girl here :)

不良示范 , 请勿示范 !

然后我就睡觉 ,
睡了一下 , 被寿星女摇醒拍照 :S

Crying @@

放学后 , mcd 庆祝练练的生日 :P

Huijia & Xiaoyu

Lilin & Xiaoyu

Bearbear & Xiaoyu

Xiaoyu & Lilin's brother

他是我的小学朋友 ,
好好笑的他 , 一直被我欺负 :P

不过他也又欺负回我 !
可恶 ~

唯一露齿的照片 :E

这是最后的一张照片 , 那天也玩得蛮开心 ;)

最后 ,
以这个惊吓蛮高的照片作为结束 !




No edit , original picture .

希望你们不会发恶梦吧 :P

5 June 2011

Jealousy night :/

9:53 p.m. , sleep now ! My evil heart starting to jealous someone , ohhh , I shouldn't ! Night everyone ♥

3 June 2011

The beauty & the handsome

Align Center
In this holiday ,
I keep view up many videos in youtube

And I found out a beauty and a handsome :P
both of them is artist !

The beauty - ANGELBABY

Many peoples gossiped her that she had plastic surgery before ,
but whatever , she really has the temperament !

Gorgeous !

She has the angry face and evil body shape ,

And now is the handsome turn ,

The one of the big bang member ,
oh goshhh , he has a smart face !

And his eyes , got full of power ,
chok yeonggg ~ :P

He has a rap singing talent ,
I like the moment while he rap , ATTRACTION @@

Okay enough ,
I should stop this madness now :S

2 June 2011

友情 ?

心情本来已经好转了 , 但现在 , 又跌回去谷底了。

真的搞不懂为什么每次当你们最需要我时 ,

好了 , 陪了你们 , 开解了你们
连很基本的 " 谢谢 " 都没有

什么烂友情啊 ?

拜托 !
你对我好 , 我对你好 ?

问题出在你没有对过我好 ,
我又何必对回你好 ?

我不是心里医生 ,
我没有责任永远守护你们 , 帮你们

千万别说我自私 ,
请想想 , 当我最需要你们的时候 , 你们在那里 .


* 这个假期我还真的推了不少 dating ,
朋友们 , 对不起 !
我保证 PMR 后陪你们出个够 * winkkk

1 June 2011


